Now the cooler months are here I will be able to take Sophie for longer walks (she didn't cope with the heat) and I want to start expanding my dog walking routes. Matthew and I took Sophie on a nice walk on Sunday which walked through some fields down by the valley and I may incorporate that in the walk. However, I think I will have to vary it a little as Sophie nearly pooped herself when she was greeted by one of the neighbour's pack of dogs guarding the borders of the property! It can't be comfortable for a little chihuahua to walk past a hoarde of barking and snarling dogs... who knows what they were saying to her in doggie language.
On a positive note though, I have really cut down my comfort eating at work. Quite dramatically so. I will admit that I used to eat up to 2 packets of crisps and 3 chocolate bars plus sweets on a daily basis at work with the occasional packet of cake bars and so on thrown in. This was anything from 800 - 1000 calories per day depending on what I ate! I have stopped buying all of that and I perhaps have 1 packet of crisps a week, with the only chocolate bars I eat being the slim fast low calorie ones (which I still have usually 1 per day). I think I can safely say I have reduced my calorie intake by thousands per week, which is all gravy baby!
It is proof that all I have accomplished so far is the cessation of weight gain... I will need to do more than cutting out the comfort food if I want to actually lose the 4.5 stone I need to. But it is a good start and I have proved to myself that I can maintain my weight with normal eating.
I just now have to work on a program, a realistic program, to increase my exercise to help shift the poundage I am carrying around.