
The time has come... the time to do something about my weight. This blog will follow a journey; my trials and tribulations and hopefully successes with the battle of the bulge. For too long have I been a member of the Fellowship of the Flab.

I will be setting myself goals, tasks and rewards for the journey ahead to make it more interesting. I invite you to follow my progress and support me during the hard times and laugh with me during the good times.

Thank you, one and all.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pre-Singing Lessons Recording

Oh........My............Word!!!!! I have just completed a recording of me singing away to my favourite album (Mammia Mia) and listened to myself afterwards. And all that is going through my head right now is Oh My Word/Life/Goodness... (fill in the blanks)....! It is probably better put by saying that the money I will be spending on my singing lessons will be money well spent indeed.

Gone are those halcyon days when I thought I was just a little rustier than Celine Dion and Whitney. I guess when it comes to building confidence, there is no better place to start than from the bottom and I think that is what I have just hit, firmly with my arse. Was it a mistake to listen to myself? Um... no, probably not. It's true that I have shattered quite a lot of the little confidence I had, but it is also true that I am now in a better position to work on my voice, knowing full well that I am rubbish. It can only get better and at least I don't have to suffer the humiliation of being told by my tutor that I am rubbish and not understand why he said it.

I have my first singing lesson tomorrow and I will attend this with the knowledge that I truly, truly suck, and that it will take a lot of hard work and probably quite a lot more humiliation before I get what I desire - a singing voice which I can be proud of.

Having said all that, I could detect what we could call 'potential'. There was the odd note or line where I actually sounded ok. But I mostly sounded awful to say the least. I know they say nobody ever likes listening to themself, but once I had got over that, I was just listening to something which was cringeworthy. I generally hit most of the right notes and I can carry a melody (if I don't try too hard or too little) but when I got it wrong, boy did I get it wrong. I have no idea how to control my voice and it sounded like I was shouting my way through nearly every song, even the soft ones. A right ear bashing!

Oh well, at least I know now and I have something to compare with once I have a few lessons under my belt. I intend to re-record myself singing the same songs in a few months time once I have put into practice what I learn and hopefully (so very hopefully) I will have improved. Or at least know where I have to put more effort in.

Oh woe is me.... I thought I could sing..... but I can't. Will it stop me from singing in the shower, car, kitchen, bedroom, everywhere I go?... Nope, probably not. I am just more determined than ever to attend my singing lessons and fix it!

Signing off.

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