I have lost another 2 pounds, against all expectations as last week was a bit of a naughty week.
I’m sure it will catch up with me this week, but I guess that’s ok – I have to pay the price of being naughty.
I am late posting this week as our laptop has been in the repair shop.
That also means I haven’t been able to post a picture of me yet either (will do so soon).
I have taken a few steps forward this week and have ordered my pedometer! I am waiting for it to arrive at the moment but hope to get it soon. I hope to have it on me most of the time to record my daily steps and try and improve on it.
I have also found an exercise class to attend on a weekly basis. A colleague from work attends a small class in someone’s basement (5 or 6 people in a class) which is a combination of cardio, pilates and yoga. I had wanted to do this for ages but her class has been full. However, this week we were discussing it at work again and 3 others at work showed an interest. So we got in touch with the lady giving the classes and as she would have another full class she has agreed to run another day! So hopefully this will start next week. Matthew intends to come with me when his shifts allow so that’s good too. It is something which I am quite keen about (even though I am lacking motivation to exercise) because it is a class which suits me quite well. I am not interested in an hours cardio as I simply wouldn’t cope in my present state and would not enjoy it and then not go. Yoga or pilates on their own would not be enough to help shift the pounds, and so the combination of the three things in one hour sounds good for me. I hope so anyway! I’ll let you know how it goes.
I have had a few singing lessons now and I am really starting to enjoy them. My confidence is slowly growing and I am getting good feedback from Jonathan. My pitch is accurate and he says that I have the ability to listen and focus on what I am doing. We are now working on breathing and quality of sound and resonance. We are using one particular song to practice with which is Andrew Lloyds Webber’s Memory. So I guess that this will be one of the 2 songs which I learn to sing really well as per my tasks. But this does not give you an excuse to ask me to sing Memory for you every time I see you…!
Anyway, I’m all prepared to have a bit of a bad weigh in on Saturday, but am pleased with the other progress I have made this week. And I am looking forward to getting another piece of make-up for my collection as per my rewards for another 2 pounds lost.
Signing off.