
The time has come... the time to do something about my weight. This blog will follow a journey; my trials and tribulations and hopefully successes with the battle of the bulge. For too long have I been a member of the Fellowship of the Flab.

I will be setting myself goals, tasks and rewards for the journey ahead to make it more interesting. I invite you to follow my progress and support me during the hard times and laugh with me during the good times.

Thank you, one and all.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Saturday 24th October - 14 Stone 4 Pounds

I am very pleased with this week's results. I have not put on any weight! Considering that I have eaten MANY bad things this week, I am pleasantly suprised by the maintenance of the weight.

I have finally got my pedometer and I was so excited about it! Sadly, my brain has not quite caught up with the fact that I own a pedometer as I keep forgetting to put it on. I wore it at work on Friday and counted roughly 5,500 steps. I have forgotten to wear it today, so must think hard about it in the morning so I can start the next day fresh.

I started my exercise class last Tuesday and I really enjoyed it. Some light aerobics to begin with, a bit of weight work, and then onto yoga and then some relaxation. It suited me down to the ground and I am looking forward to my next class. Who would have thought I would ever say that about exercising. I'm not very good at it yet, but practice makes perfect!

Signing Off.

1 comment:

  1. Thank god you didnt mention the fact that I went along and am the only man in a ladies yoga class
