
The time has come... the time to do something about my weight. This blog will follow a journey; my trials and tribulations and hopefully successes with the battle of the bulge. For too long have I been a member of the Fellowship of the Flab.

I will be setting myself goals, tasks and rewards for the journey ahead to make it more interesting. I invite you to follow my progress and support me during the hard times and laugh with me during the good times.

Thank you, one and all.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

August Painting

One of my tasks is to paint a picture each month. I set myself this task as I am interested in painting and I had asked for a painting set for Christmas, which my bro so kindly gifted to me. The paints have only been out once since Christmas just because I have not been disciplined enough to actually get them out and enjoy myself with them. By making it a task it will motivate me to do some painting.

I have now painted my picture for this month, and I have decided to open myself up for critism and post the paintings on the blog. My painting is very childlike and shows my inexperience and lack of skill, but it is an expression of myself which nobody can ever criticize. I am neither proud nor ashamed of this particular painting, it just kind of happened. I hope you are able to enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Karen I love the painting. It's bright and colourful which is always good! looking forward to seeing your future paintings!
