
The time has come... the time to do something about my weight. This blog will follow a journey; my trials and tribulations and hopefully successes with the battle of the bulge. For too long have I been a member of the Fellowship of the Flab.

I will be setting myself goals, tasks and rewards for the journey ahead to make it more interesting. I invite you to follow my progress and support me during the hard times and laugh with me during the good times.

Thank you, one and all.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday 15th August - 14 Stone 9 Pounds

I haven't lost any weight this week, but also haven't gained any. I am a little disappointed but totally not surprised. I have had quite a stressful week with one thing or another and my eating has suffered a little. I haven't been eating all the usual crap I used to eat, but have had probably a bit more than I should have of the lower calorie things (which kinda cancels it all out!). It is also 'that time of the month' with yesterday being totally horrible and so I am probably retaining some water also. At least that is what I am telling myself!

One thing I have observed this week is my reaction to stress and what food seems to do for me. A particular day at work was quite manic running around trying to do lots of things at once. Lots of IT issues and trying to look at everyone's PC and so on, including trying to do some work of my own. It was just one of those days where you don't sit down for more than 5 minutes at a time until the panic is over. When I did sit down to concentrate on getting some work done, I found the need to eat was really prominent. My head felt like it was still running around and I wanted to eat something to calm me down, focus on what I needed to do and get on with it.

After thinking about this for a little while I have tried to work out what the actual eating does for me to successfully calm me down and make me focus. At the moment, what I have come up with is that the process of sitting down and eating something takes my mind away from the skittish running around, and also stops me for a few minutes physically. It is a forced break so to speak. My challenge will be to try and accomplish to same calming down and focus without food. I may think about doing some short meditation in my head to try and calm and focus my mind, but it will be a bit of trial and error to begin with to see what will work for me as successfully as food.

Signing out.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's good that you're thinking about what situations brings on the urge to eat. Maybe you could find something else practical to do which will help you stop and slow down other than eating. Could you have a doodle book? One of those ones with just patterns you colour in. Or you could go and make yourself a drink. Just a couple of ideas but only you will be able to work out what will work for you. You're doing good so well done!
